The past two years have been a challenge, first my dad died from complications of his Dementia.
A year later mom passed right at the beginning of the Corona Virus lockdown and the worst part is they wouldn't let us visit her during her final days. The last time we saw each other was through the window at the lifecare facility.
Now we've been in some form of lockdown since march of 2020.
Eldorado county is at the highest tier due to a shortage of ICU beds.
300,000 people have died from the Virus and comorbidity, typically some other condition. Covid is like an accelerator, it speeds things up for people with poor health and health conditions.
We are still suffering through an election where there is corruption, unconstitutional behavior on behalf of states and a really angry population.
I watched my dad develop his dementia, it sure looks a lot like what is going on with Joe Biden?
How can someone in his condition be elected to the highest office of the land is beyond my comprehension.
To kick things off.
We are launching "Shredman"
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