Saturday, November 8, 2014

Anne's Round three Chemotherapy and Bone Marrow Transplant starting Monday, November 10th

I don't know how to feel about this, it is inevitable that this is what has to be done. You go and get admitted into the hospital, you sign a bunch of forms, they find you a room and it starts. I'm not sick but my wife is, she has Plasma Cell Myeloma and with out this bone marrow transplant she would die within a year. So here we are on the eve of her transplant. They are going to give her six (6) days of intravenous Chemo, as the doctors explain it, they are essentially wiping out her existing immune system and replacing it with one from a donor. The transplant will take place on the 8th day and at that time she will be pretty wiped out. They will be giving her all kinds of stuff to prevent infections, graft versus host disease, anti viral, anti fungal, along with stuff to make her feel better. Can you say, Hickman catheter, allogenic transplant, a month in the hospital, then 4 months of house arrest with a full time caregiver. For me, I will do the best I can, try and stay focused on what lies ahead and to continue living my life to the best of my ability. Anne will be at the UCSF medical center in San Francisco. I will continue to build my boards and evolve my designs, while separating myself from all the BS that comes along. Enjoy every day as though it is your last, life changes and one must adapt of suffer. I chose to adapt. JG" />
this photo was taken last winter at Sierra at Tahoe.

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